
A simple, elegant message plugin for jQuery.

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MessiJS Demos

Here are a few demos to whet your appetite. All of MessiJS’s options can be found on the Options page.

A simple example:

var dialog = new Messi('my message');

A simple example with no close button. Bad idea!

var dialog = new Messi(
    'Why is this one bad?<br/><strong>Hint:</strong> Reloading the page may help.',
    {closeButton: false}

An autoclosing dialog:

var dialog = new Messi(
    'This message will close automatically!',
    {autoclose: 1000}

Add a titlebar:

var dialog = new Messi('my message', {title: 'My title'});

Make the dialog modal (adds a layer to force you to react to the dialog):

var dialog = new Messi(
    "This is a message with Messi in modal view. Now you can't interact with other elements on the page until close this dialog.",
    {title: 'Modal Window', modal: true}

Add customizable buttons to the bottom:

var dialog = new Messi(
    'This is a message with Messi with custom buttons on the bottom.',
        title: 'Buttons',
        buttons: [
            {id: 0, label: 'Yes', val: 'Y', class: 'btn-success'},
            {id: 1, label: 'No', val: 'N', class: 'btn-danger'},
            {id: 2, label: 'Cancel', val: 'C'}

Customizable buttons with a callback:

var dialog = new Messi(
    'This messi dialog has custom buttons and callback.',
        title: 'Buttons',
        buttons: [
            {id: 0, label: 'Yes', val: 'Y'},
            {id: 1, label: 'No', val: 'N'}
        callback: function(val) { alert('Your selection: ' + val); }

Add Animate.css styles to the whole dialog. Defaults are: bounceIn and bounceOut.

var dialog = new Messi(
    'This is a bounceIn message.',
        title: 'Enter stage right.',
        animate: { open: 'bounceInLeft', close: 'bounceOutRight' },
        buttons: [ {id: 0, label: 'Close', val: 'X'} ]

Apply styles to your titlebar:

Add titlebar animation with anim. This is not supported for IE versions prior to IE10.

var dialog = new Messi(
    'This is a error message.',
        title: 'Animated error',
        titleClass: 'anim error',
        buttons: [ {id: 0, label: 'Close', val: 'X'} ]


MessiJS extensions are semi-official add-ons. They are convenience functions (everything they do can be done with the main MessiJS library).

Show a MessiJS style alert.

Messi.alert('This is an alert with Messi.');

How to ask a question.

    'This is a question with Messi. Do you like it?',
    function(value) { alert(value); }

Load a minimal image.


This will load the “html” results of an Ajax request into the dialog.

Messi.load('fragment.html', {
    params: {query: 'demo'},
    title: 'Messi.load(url, options)'