
A simple, elegant message plugin for jQuery.

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MessiJS Options

Option Default Description
animate² { open: ‘bounceIn’,
  close: ‘bounceOut’ }
default animation
(disable by setting animate: false)
See Animate.css for valid options.
autoclose null autoclose after ‘x’ milliseconds
buttons [ ] array of buttons
e.g. [{id: ‘yes’, label: ‘Yes’, val: ‘Yes’}]
callback null callback function after close message
center true center message on screen
closeButton true show close button in header title
height ‘auto’ content height
title null message title
titleClass null title style: info, warning, success, error
margin 0 enforce a viewport the dialog cannot move outside, set zero to disable
modal false shows the message in modal style
(loads the background)
modalOpacity 0.2 modal background opacity
padding ‘10px’ content padding
position¹ { top: ‘0px’,
left: ‘0px’ }
if center: false, sets X and Y position
show true show message after load
unload true unload message after hide
viewport { top: ‘0px’,
left: ‘0px’ }
deprecated, see position
width ‘500px’ message width
zIndex 99999 message z-index

1. Introduced in MessiJS 2.0.0.
2. Introduced in MessiJS 2.0.1.